In chapter 10 Jesus grants a measure of authority to the original 12 apostles.  He sends them out first to the nation of Israel for they were the first people that should have been expecting Him and His message of salvation.  Jesus warns the 12 they will be rejected and persecuted by some.  They will even be handed over to governors and kings for the sake of Jesus.  Jesus says this will happen as a testimony to those government leaders and to the Gentiles.  This again points to the fact that Jesus is the Savior for the world, not just the Jews. Jesus tells them not to be surprised by this persecution and hatred, for they hate him too and accuse Him of being Beelzebul (ruler of the demons). He tells them not to fear for God is in control and will care for them through the persecution. He challenges them that they will have to give up the life they once knew to pursue true life.  Jesus and His mission cannot just be part of their lives, He must be their life.  Jesus also reminds them that although following Him will mean difficulty, there will be reward. Following Jesus is not easy, it is difficult, yet the Lord will provide His followers all they need to fulfill His call on their life and will reward them in His time and His way.  Father, I know a life of following Jesus will not be easy, so remind me daily that You dwell in me through the person of the Holy Spirit to empower, encourage and instruct me to fulfill the mission of making disciples of all the nations. Thank you, Lord.

– Bryan McKenzie

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