Entries by Jarrod Manning

Abide Together: Reflection on Psalm 31

This psalm of David is a confession of sin and reminder that to us that our lives are not our own, but rather we belong to God. In the midst of David’s sorrow for sin, he reminds himself and reminds us that God is going to ultimately save him, not because of David’s deeds or […]

Abide Together: Reflections on Esther 7

The irony continues in chapter 7 of Esther. After Mordecai receives the honor and the parade that Haman expected for himself, he is invited in to a feast that was prepared by Queen Esther. (This is the feast she asked the king to attend when she was in his court.) While at the feast, the […]

Abide Together: Reflections on Daniel 5

Daniel 5 records when Belshazzar, son of Nebuchadnezzar & King of Babylon, had a drunken party to worship the false gods of Babylon. The LORD sent a hand to write a prophecy on the wall, which really shook Belshazzar. Belshazzar could not find anyone to interpret the writing, so the people told him about Daniel. Belshazzar […]

Abide Together: Reflections on Daniel 3

In Daniel 3, Nebuchadnezzar builds a golden image and commands that everyone in Babylon bow down in worship to the image. Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego refuse to so. They are thrown into the furnace that was heated 7 times hotter than normal. The Lord sends someone to deliver them from the flames that Nebuchadnezzar says […]

Abide Together: Reflections on Daniel 1

In Daniel 1, Daniel and his three friends are part of the people whom the LORD allows King Nebuchadnezzar take captive to Babylon. They are actually chosen to be trained for 3 years to be a part of the king’s personal service. They are given new names that refer to some of the many gods […]

Abide Together: Reflections on Ezekiel 4

In Ezekiel 4, the LORD has Ezekiel do certain things physically to illustrate his judgment on Israel and Judah, as well as their inability to do anything about it. Ezekiel obeys the LORD even though it is very difficult. Once again Ezekiel is an example of the priority of obedience to the LORD over comforts […]

Abide Together: Reflections on Obadiah

As I read this smallest book in the Old Testament, I’m reminded of God’s covenant faithfulness to His people. Israel had been unfaithful to YAHWEH and pursued other gods so YAHWEH was disciplining them through conquest and exile. Upon the writing of this book, the armies of Babylon had just destroyed Jerusalem and the Edomites […]

Abide Together: Reflections on 2 Chronicles 32

In 2 Chronicles 32 Sennacherib, King of Assyria, attempts to invade Judah.  Hezekiah, King of Judah, prepares the people to withstand this invasion and tells them not to fear “for the one with us is greater than the one with him.”  Sennacherib then begins to mock the people and mock the LORD.  Hezekiah and Isaiah […]