The passage for today tells of a family visit. How comforting it must have been for Moses. Certainly there are times when a family visit can be stressful, but most of the time, we welcome friendly faces after a series of struggles. People who have a history with us help us to remember that we can persevere. They have been through life with us, seen the ups and downs, and are in a position to encourage us better than almost anyone else. I’d imagine that Jethro was probably a “sight for sore eyes” for Moses, but his wife and children were an even greater gift. I don’t even feel like I’m the same person when I’m away from my family – everything seems a bit numb. And if I’ve been through the kinds of things that Moses had, my longing for them would be even deeper.  This man has certainly seen struggle. He had also seen God’s hand at work. I love how Jethro arrives and the first thing Moses does is share what the LORD had been doing. Jethro’s response is to rejoice and then to worship. May I be like that.
The next part of the passage reveals a great tip for leaders. “Sometimes a fresh pair of eyes can see what you cannot.” Moses’ routine of acting as judge most likely snuck up on him – one little judgment at a time had grown into an all-day affair. It was obvious to Jethro that Moses should delegate this task so that his focus could be on his main role as the mediator between God and the people. Moses listened. Wouldn’t we all do better if we listened more to the people that we know are looking out for our best interests and love the LORD.
Prayer: Lord, Thank you for my family. You have given such an incredible blessing to me in them. I’m grateful. Like Jethro, make my heart long to hear more about Your work, and let it lead me to worship. Like Moses, help me to listen when the people who love me speak. Use them to make me more like You. AMEN. 
Steve Corn
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