In Luke 24, the women who had come with Jesus out of Galilee went to the tomb and found it empty, they were told by angels that Jesus had risen, Jesus walks with 2 disciples on the road to Emmaus and explains how all Scripture point to Him, Jesus appears to the disciples again and then ascends to heaven.  There are 3 verses in this chapter that stand out to me this morning.  When Jesus is speaking to the 2 disciples on the road to Emmaus (they are kept from recognizing Him) and it says of Jesus in verse 27, “Then beginning with Moses and with all the prophets, He explained to them the things concerning Himself in all the Scriptures.”  The person and work of Jesus is central to the entire Bible.  After Jesus had vanished from their sight the 2 disciples said in verse 32, “Were not our hearts burning within us while He was speaking to us on the road, while He was explaining the Scriptures to us?”  O that my heart would always burn within me when reading the Scriptures that all point to Jesus.  Then when Jesus appears to a group of the disciples in Jerusalem it says of Jesus in verse 45, “Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures.”  Lord, please open my mind to understand the Scriptures that my heart would burn within me to Love You more.”

– Bryan McKenzie

In Luke 23, Jesus is falsely accused, appears before Pilate & Herod, Pilate seeks to release Him, the people beg for Barabbas’ life over Jesus’, Simon of Cyrene carries Jesus’ cross, Jesus is crucified, one criminal believes and the other does not, a Centurion believes, the people walk away sad not understanding what just happened on the cross, and Joseph of Arimathea buries Jesus in the tomb. What stuck out to me this  morning was that although Simon of Cyrene was able to carry Jesus’ physical cross, he was not able to carry what Jesus had laid on Him while dying on the cross.  Jesus had the penalty of the sin of the world laid on Him and paid the penalty of God’s just wrath – so that those who trust in His payment would be forgiven and be made right with God.  Simon, nor any other human could not carry that weight and pay for the sin of the world.  Therefore, it is urgent to call all mankind to repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.  Lord, may I be about Your Mission for the Church and call all mankind to repent and believe.

– Bryan McKenzie

In Luke 22, Judas works with the Jewish leaders to set up the betrayal of Jesus, Jesus sent Peter and John ahead to set up the Passover, Jesus has the last Passover and first Lord’s Supper with the 12, the disciples argue over who is the greatest, Jesus predicts Peter’s denial, Jesus tells the disciples to get ready for persecution, Jesus prays to the Father and sweats like drops of blood, Jesus is betrayed by Judas, Jesus heals the slave of the high priest, Jesus is arrested, Peter denies Jesus 3 times, and Jesus says HE is the Son of God.  I am humbled by Jesus’ amazing grace and compassion shown to those who hate him and are seeking to kill him.  When Peter cut off the ear of the high priest’s slave, Jesus healed his ear.  Most people would let him suffer, since he was an enemy.  Yet, Jesus in the midst of his being betrayed and arrested shows the slave amazing grace in healing him. Jesus also shows proves again that HE is indeed God and has power over everything.  Who knows what impact this had on this slave’s life, but when Jesus’ followers display grace to those who hate them – it brings God glory. As Jesus said earlier in HIS ministry, “Love you enemies and pray for those who hate you.” Lord, help me display grace to all people, even those who do not like me or those who speak against you.  May this be used to bring You glory.

– Bryan McKenzie

In Luke 21, Jesus points to a certain widow as an example of giving, Jesus foretells of the destruction of the Temple and Jerusalem, He teaches on His return and the importance of being read, Luke records how Jesus would spend the night on the Mt. of Olives and then in the morning the people would come to hear Him teach in the Temple.  The very last verse of this chapter stood out to me this morning – “And all the people would get up early in the morning to come to Him in the temple to listen to Him.” The fact that the people got up early to hear Jesus teach shows their eagerness and desire to hear Jesus’ words and learn from Him.  O that God’s people to day would have the same eagerness and desire to learn from Jesus in His Word.  Lord, continue to grow my desire to know You more and to learn from You in Your Word.

– Bryan McKenzie

In Luke 20, Jesus’ authority is questioned, He tells the parable of the vine-growers, the scribes and chief priests tried to trick him concerning taxes, the Sadducees tried to trick him concerning the resurrection and marriage, and Jesus warns his disciples about the wickedness of the scribes and chief priests.  When Jesus warns his disciples about the wickedness of the scribes and chief priests, He specifically points out their love for the praise of men.  They do things for the purpose of public praise. They want to be honored by all for their outward appearance and actions.  Yet, honor will only come to those who repent and humble themselves before the Lord.  Lord, by Your grace, may I only do and say things for Your honor and Your glory.  May the praise of men have no appeal to me and may Your glory be my only desire.

– Bryan McKenzie

In Luke 19, God through Luke records the conversion of Zaccheus, Jesus tells the parable of the servants’ usage of their masters money, the Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem is recorded, Jesus warns of the destruction of Jerusalem, Jesus drive out those selling things in the Temple, and Luke records how the chief priests and scribes were trying to destroy Jesus.  After Jesus’ encounter with Zaccheus He said, “For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.”  This indicates that Zaccheus was one was lost and then Jesus saved him from the penalty of his sin.  Zaccheus was converted, he was made right with God through faith in Jesus.  What sticks out the most about this account of Zaccheus’ conversion is the evidence of His full trust in Jesus as the one who saves and rescues from sin.  The evidence of his full trust in Jesus is seen in his words (which we’r obviously followed by actions), “Behold, Lord, half of my possessions I will give to the poor, and if I have defrauded anyone of anything, I will give back four times as much.” True faith/trust includes repentance or a change of direction.  Zaccheus’ words and actions did not earn him salvation, they were evidence of his salvation. Lord, thank You that when You rescue those who place their faith in Jesus,  You do not leave them the same – but you change them from the inside out to live a new life.  Thank You Lord for changing me and making me Your son.

– Bryan McKenzie

In Luke 18, Jesus tells a parable about persistent prayer, He tells a parable about the importance of humility when approaching God, He stresses the importance of coming to God like a child, Jesus is approached by a rich young ruler who thinks he can buy eternal life, Jesus assures the disciples of their reward, He warns of crucifixion, and Jesus heals a blind man.  I am convicted this morning by Jesus’ parable about the woman who persistently pursued the judge until she attained the legal protection she was seeking. Jesus commends her persistence and says that God will bring about justice for His elect who cry to Him day and night.  Jesus told this parable “to show that at all times they ought to pray and not to lose heart (v. 1).”  Lord, may I persistently cry out to you night and day, trusting that you will bring just what I need?  May I never lose heart? Thank you for Your love for me and for always giving me what will make me more life Jesus.

– Bryan McKenzie

In Luke 17, Jesus warns about being stumbling blocks, teaches on forgiveness, He teaches on serving, He heals 10 lepers, and He teaches on His second coming.  The thing that stands out to me the most this morning is Jesus’ healing of the 10 lepers. Jesus healed 10, but only one came back to thank Him. The one who came back was a Samaritan and Luke records  – “when he saw that he had been healed, turned back, glorifying and praising God with a loud voice, and he fell on his face at His feet giving thanks.”  The other 9 who were healed were Jewish and their lack of gratitude was representative of the Jewish nations rejection of Jesus ministry.  They liked that he could do miracles, but they rejected Him as Messiah.  The Samaritan’s response was one of worship (fell on his face), because he recognized that Jesus was God and He deserved a thankful heart.  Lord, remind me that You alone deserve my worship and give me a thankful heart.  Thank You for all you have done in and for me. Thank you also for all You will do in and for me.

– Bryan McKenzie

In Luke 12, Jesus teaches that every thing we do and say is seen and heard by the Father, HE encourages His disciples not to fear those on earth, He warns of covetousness, HE encourages giving to those in need, HE warns them to be ready for HIS return and Jesus also says that HE will bring division between people.  The point that stands out to me this morning is Jesus’ teaching on covetousness, especially the story about the man who had so much that he wanted to build bigger barns to store all of his excess.  The man says to himself, “Soul you have many goods laid up for many years to come; take ease, eat, drink, and be merry.”  Jesus warns that if this what you are living for, then you will miss out on all God has for you in the life to come. This is the fate of all who “store up for themselves, and are not rich toward God.”  Yet, the attitude of storing up a bunch of stuff for yourself so you can be at ease is the message being promoted in our society and sadly often by those who claim to be followers of Christ.  Lord, keep me from the lie of this world to store up treasures on earth, instead empower me and motivate me to store up treasures in heaven by investing Your Word in people.

– Bryan McKenzie

In Luke 11, Jesus teaches his disciples to pray and encourages them in prayer, Jesus is accused of being from Satan, speaks of the blessing of hearing God’s Word and doing it, Jesus teaches that He will give them the sign of Jonah, warns the Pharisees of their emphasis on the outside and warns the experts in the law that they have hindered people from entering into the kingdom.  The point that stands out to me this morning is Jesus’ teaching on persistence in prayer through the teaching of the friend who goes to a friend at midnight asking for three loaves.  He keeps asking until his friend gets up and gets the loaves.  Jesus then encourages the disciples to keep asking, keep seeking and keep knocking and their needs will be met.  Of course this is not a promise that that those who are persistent in prayer will receive things that are not according to God’s will.  Persistence in prayer shows a great faith in God, because it shows that a person realizes that only God can truly meet that need.  Lord, remind me over and over again to be persistent in prayer – knowing that only You can truly and fully meet my need for Your glory.

– Bryan McKenzie